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Previous thread has become old news.

This is the thread for the new news, a bit older news is fine too, in case we missed something interesting.

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I'm happy to see the Brits and Americans suffer, but also very concerned about it all. I wouldn't want this nonsensical censorship to spill over to me or to Japan.


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>reposting /an*m*/ "news"

>but not actually reading the quoted twatter post

I can't believe 2 whole boards fell for a bait.

>Recently, the UK internet watchdog group IWF came to Japan to hold a lecture on regulating manga and anime on the grounds of AI-generated child pornography. They visited the British Embassy in Japan and secured the cooperation of the British Ambassador to Japan.

Then where is the "manga and anime" in this seminar? Have one reputable newspaper and the hosting organization itself summarize the event;



But I know you're too lazy to read and search the term you cannot even write in Japanese so let me boil it down further;



The problem these organization discussed in the event is that current CP laws in Japan does not explicitly forbid AI-generated porn that is indistinguishable from real CP. They do recognize that source of those AI CP they talked about come from the darkweb. Their main argument for advocating any law if they did was "children whose photos are used in the creation of realistic AI CP are actually subject to abuse".

And a huge part of companies surveyed last year already agreed that there should be some sort of regulation against realistic AI CP so if Pixiv was one of them they wouldn't wait for at least 5 months to apply a non-solution.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



>which only depicts 2 adults

2 fictional adults



I had a hunch it was something closer to this than what that tweet was suggesting, it seemed particularly odd to jump from "AI CSAM is bad." to "Anime and Manga are bad."

Admitedly though I am not 出来る enough to read that.


>>1205067 (me)

Not to say I don't understand people being a bit on edge about this sort of thing, but jumping at shadows does nothing good for anyone.


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 No.1143245[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The old thread is nearly two years old, but sadly now past the bump limit. It's time for a new rabbit rabbit thread!

When you wake up on the first of the month, if the first thing you say out loud is "rabbit rabbit rabbit", you'll be blessed with good luck for a month!

Hope everyone can still enjoy their life and take it easy!

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Good luck!


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Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit.

I did in fact not manage to make time for all the things I wanted to do.


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I said my rabbits.


I hope you can make time this month! That's a weirdly shaped Tewi!

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Amateur writer cake with huge udders and a mysterious spooky shounen who wants to get into her pants work in a bookstore. Mysterious spooky things happen.

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The Teacher is a massive dork, and her horns are not permanent.

But no more of that, we're having a sleepover.

>Cheap beer, convenience store sushi, sakura viewing from the comfort of the apartment, huge breasts, can turn into a loli when the need arises

A perfect wife.


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A pouting loli is not complete without breast envy.


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We learn that the subway loli has a fond history with ramen.

I hope we get to see more of the pending panty thief.

Breasts is too kind, giving the loli a healthy helping of hamburger breakfast.

Truly the most exquisite of apartment wife.


I wonder if the BDs will be uncensored.


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Not a lot happened, but at least we got more pantsu.


>can turn into a loli when the need arises

I wonder if you can literally fuck her brains out if she lolifies.


I don't know, those rubber ducks look permanent.



>A perfect wife.

Literally made for lovey-dovey breeding sex.


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Explosion Loli and her stealing boyfriend are back for more PTSD inducing, money thieving nonsense. Come worship Aqua in the church of Axis anon!

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>he takes every opportunity he can get to be called "Onii-chan" and sexually harass the meidos

Truly a man after my own heart.


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One of the titans broke into the walls!


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Umu, kore da, kore. The boring stuff I remember from the novel that just amounts to the gang pissing around the royal capital for a while.


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Finally, someone clarifying the meido job description.


>The boring stuff

Aqua boozing it up with the maids was fun.

Looks like Chris is the big bad noble thief.


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Kazuma's cheat skill is threats of sexual abuse.

Hopefully they are quick to the big battle, so Megumin can explode the enemies with only minor damage to the capital.


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It's time to make some m/u/sic!

First Year High Schooler Himari Kino falls in love in first sight with her senpai, Yori Asanagi, vocalist who just has no experience with love.

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She's so かっこいい !


No, no, it's a good pain.



Manga reader here. Interestingly judging from the comments I'm the only one. Blonde will have more stuff to do later. I'll be interested to see the reactions to this one. The manga was definitely a bit divisive because a secondary plot involving a character not even introduced yet covers much more of the actual time of the plot to the point where the supposedly featured MCs kind of drop back into being supporting protagonists. How much you enjoy this show is probably going to come down to how you feel about this character. Blonde is heavily tied with her.


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>buckle up


Anyway, I'm glad she manifested lilies in the background. I was still a little confused about if this was yuri or not.



>I was still a little confused about if this was yuri or not.

Manga reader here, there was never a question. The series is very yuri.


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Was a joke.


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A Gifu tourism ad about twintails de-isekai'd magical princess running a detective agency.

Written by Hirasaka-sen of Haganai and Imouto sae Ireba.

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Silly Sara, you need ska if you're going to skateboard. No wonder you fell over.

>From Öland

As a Swede, that's bullshit, but I believe it.

Wouldn't surprise me if Nobunaga the Odin founded Sweden though.


>mature and realistic

It surprised me when the mom said she would just sue them. Wasn't expecting that kind of conclusion to the bullying.


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Finally, Sara has become a true paripi, just like her favorite ancient Chinese paripi. Who may or may not already be strategizing a concert.


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We can add bullying to the list of Gifu meibutsu.

I wonder if those recordings would actually hold up in court.


Are any of the other alternate history story books real or is it just the sankokushi series?


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>It surprised me when the mom said she would just sue them. Wasn't expecting that kind of conclusion to the bullying.

Her mother must be an American with that kind of quickdraw on the legal system. Impressive stuff.

The parallel world thing is at least slightly more interesting than just a plain isekai to Earth. I don't buy that they have sufficiently advanced tech though, magic is magic after all. In the first episode didn't the portal they went through cast a translation spell or something?


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 No.1199464[Reply][Last 50 Posts]



<Official site/schedules.


<Shows all live Holos, allows multi-streaming.


<Holo fanclub (exclusive videos).


<Holocaust archive (480p).


>Phase Connect



>VSPO (Virtual eSports Project)






>Nanashiinku (774 Inc)




<Official site/schedules.


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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>want to see how small JP VTuber anon posted is doing

>can only remember that her name is Elm

>try to search for her

<results are Hololive and ENshit

>keep adding search terms

<results vary from Nightmare on Elm Street to Hololive

<can't find her under a mountain of shit

I hate SEO.



Are you searching with search engines or with the video site because the latter tends to be shitty at least for YT. I'd say to look through archived threads but apparently those aren't tracked like some other "general" ones.


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Is this her?



I was searching with search engines and YouTube, but the name "Elm" is really vague and considered either a non-word or associated with Elm Street.


Thank you. Looking at her channel, she eventually went full vocalist, mostly shedding her VTuber persona. She even put her old streams behind a members paywall. At least she's doing well and still making music. It seems like she only has moderate success, but she had been trying for ten years to get anywhere. Unfortunately, per Playboard, it looks like she couldn't capitalize on her one viral video. Now I just need to find JP VTubers playing Manhunt. How does anon find new VTubers?

[Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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 No.1194220[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post about learning Japanese, including questions, resources, and personal achievements toward your goal. Previous thread (https://archive.is/wGvCY) has been past bump limit for a while.

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/

Resource Library: https://learnjapanese.moe/resources/

Material Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/reading%20list

Japanese-English Dictionary: https://jisho.org/

Japanese Dictionary: https://kotobank.jp/

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Can you learn some chinkese from watching CN-subbed anime? Does it harm your Japanese?


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If all you're doing is watching anime then it'll probably only teach you a few dozen very common expressions and that'll be it. If you intend on learning the language you're better off also doing Anki and some sort of "proper" reading that you can take at your own pace. The extension zhongwen would help with that. As far as I can tell there's no harm to your Japanese, but even if there is you can probably get rid of it by just reading exclusively Japanese for a while.

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Gyaru seiyuu idol and autistic seiyuu idol work together to produce a radio show HOT GIRL ON GIRL ACTION

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Your thinking is wrong, idol can't possibly betray her fans.

There's a saying 推しは他人である "Your oshi is a stranger to you". You shouldn't make a mistake thinking that there's some type of connection between you and your oshi, she is just a completely unrelated person.


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Finally had the time to watch this. Episode 1 so far looks good.


>her gap moe

I love her already.



The gyaru that loves the precure knockoff is also cute.



Looks like TMZ-kun’s efforts are thwarted thanks to heartfelt confessions and on-screen honesty.


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I'm really enjoying this. I wasn't expecting them to actually develop things and drop the fake personalities so early. It feels like we just finished the prologue. New girl looks cute too.


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 No.1203463[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

An anime about creatures that look like schoolgirls but seem to be rather bulletproof doing schoolgirl things. Said schoolgirl things include firefights.

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Nagisa was a fuckup though. Her scheme made no sense and would never have worked. Especially Koharu's involvement.


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I wonder if anyone will edit her excitement and sadness into something similar to this.


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Are these horns supposed to be outgrowths of one of the vertebrae in her neck? Also, how enourmous of a baka she really is? For example, if sensei told her that getting railed in his office is a very outlaw thing, would she genuinely believe him, or just play along while being hot and bothered?


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She would genuinely believe him, but as she is getting fucked she realizes that there is some kind of mistake, but as she doesn't want to loose face, she keeps up the act pretending like it's the most normal thing to do. Mutsuki, realizes this, and keeps on encouraging Aru to playfully make fun of her. Haruya is in awe at how mature Aru is, and constantly praises her as she gets railed. Kayoko had already left the office to pet some cats.



She would definitely believe him.

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Fantasy land commoner with a magic fetish but a tiny magic chinpo gets reincarnated into another fantasy setting so we can claim that sweet sweet isekai tag. Now he's a dangerously leggy shota prince (♂) with probably still a tiny chinpo but lots of magic. And if you're not gay, looks like there's still a nice assortment of oneesans to enjoy too.

Seems fun and high-quality for what it is. First episode at least is fun and has a nice pace.

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Lv2 is another nobudget adaptation. If you have any taste you will watch the shota thighs and you will like it.



>Lv2 is another nobudget adaptation

Lv2 is a masterpiece compared to Dekisokonai.



If fucking cute boys makes me gay, I would gladly become gay.



Because you like the plot more. Not because of animation, directing or any other reasons that requires having money to spend on the show.

In episode 1, as soon as the flashback is over, the scene moves onto a beautifully animated special effects scene, then we have a 1st person scene with individually animated maids, after a beautiful explosion the "camera" moves out of the castle with a fairy tale book effect and the show focuses on the citizens celebrating to show a timeskip.

When I saw this I was taken aback. Not because this is genius directing, but because it's actual directing, in a isekai LN adaptation. You know if it was "directed" in the "typical LN style" (of having no money) all of this would be conveyed by 2 frame "mouth open mouth close" loredump shots quoting paragraphs from the LN.

Do you really see no difference?

I'm sure you're not mentally deficient and don't need me to explain what directing is and why it's good. You like your favourite anime because it has good, or at least decent, directing (probably). I appreciate seeing anime staff put effort into trying to communicate their vision. It has nothing to do with me liking pedophile maids over dog girls (or whatever fetishes lv2 appeals to).



Read the post you're replying to before writing up a paragraph. I was saying "Lv2 isn't that bad, Dekisokonai is bad". Dainanaouji is obviously far more well made than Lv2.


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 No.1197928[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Sousou no Frieren, old one hit the bump-limit.

>what do you think a proper imperial mage would do?


That was a fun episode. Though, I am not sure how I feel about Serie. Does she ever do anything but sit on the throne?

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Most porn is made by large businesses.



>cosplay doujins are made by large businesses

Are you literally retarded?

>inb4 "actually, I was talking about other porn!"

Then why bring it up in this case, dipshit?



Is this how you honour the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned?


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>Is this how you honour the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned?

Yes. What are you going to do about that? Give people bad dreams and magic-AIDS? Have fun with that while I enjoy some more elf girl lewds.


Frieren would definitely be a Telvanni.

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 No.1171251[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's time for a new /loli/ stream thread!

I stream loli anime on cytube every Sunday at 12pm EST. I put up music (almost always 2hu arranges) an hour before the stream, and everyone is encouraged to add their own fun and entertaining videos for the post stream. This week we'll be watching the second half of Kyou no Go no Ni!


I usually link an episode every day for everyone to download and watch at their own leisure, so check those out whenever you like. Right now we've got our next stream starting in just 25 minutes. We've got some Fancy Lala lined up!

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The stream starts in 20 minutes!


We've got some Zettai tonight!

Zettai Karen Children - 12



Got some Fushigi to watch!

Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy - 05



It's time to watch some Lilpri!

Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri - 19



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 No.1202880[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Korbo makes a grand return in a remake of the first two seasons!

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Why would they need to pay? Town guard isn't police, they are either a private troop of a local lord or militia designed to protect locals from outside threats. Dealing with complaints from 余所者 is outside of their responsibilities.


Honestly, I had never associated Spice and Wolf to this pervasive dimly-lit aesthetics. Usually you see this done in cyberpunk products, with their neon lights everywhere. I'll be the first to call this 'candlepunk'.


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The plan to rescue Holo and make money is set in motion, saving Holo was pretty easy when you have a deeply connected trading company to help you.

Unfortunately, Holo wanted a massacre and not a clandestine rescue operation.


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Now we will proceed to run around the city sewers for a bit until the business deal regarding the silver can be completed in our favor.

Things get a bit personal, as Yarei is one of the men behind trying to get Holo over to the church.



>I guess the protection of the populace isn't on anyone's list?

That is expensive. Other than firewatches there usually wasn't all that much of any kind of policing during nighttime, orher than say for the gate-houses and whatever passes for the duke's palace perhaps.

Usually the local civilian law enforcement was left to the locals. In this town you could see in some shots towers in the city scape. Those are de-facto small forts for rich families, clans and companies. There being a small skirmishes between different groups wouldn't have been anything out of ordinary

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